Club Mac Meetings 2004


OS X Migration - Pro's Con's and Pitfalls by Kewan McDonald from UTS

March Brett Watkins, ImageOz - Scanner Basics and some Tips and Tricks
April Alan Rosenfeld, Adobe on the Creative Suite
May Ash Jain from Silicon Memory Technolgies presented their range of mass storage devices HDs, CDRW and DVDRW drives, Card readers etc
June Mark Banks from FileMaker told us about the new FileMaker v7 database
July Rob Workman presented a talk on Converting Vinyl Records to CD
August Ray Ross from Optus talked about Broadband
September Marcus Annett from Apple told us about the newly announced iMac G5
October Ben Riley showed us the newly arrived iMac G5, Andrew talked about mobile internet. We also held the AGM.
November Andrew Shipton ( a club member) from Maccentric talked about iLife updates, iPod Photo and showed us the huge Apple 30" screen.
December Julie Nichols and Brad Pigeon from Microsoft presented Office 2004, and we had had Pizza.

Club Mac Meetings 2003 Club Mac Meetings 2005