Club Mac Meetings 2007


A presentation from Canon on the latest digital cameras, including automatic face recognition and auto focussing on that part of the photo.

March Marcus Annett from Apple showed us the yet to be released Apple TV - the first consumer group in the country to see it.
April Andrew Pavey and Bruce McKay presented a roundup of how to use iPhoto including various tips and tricks including advanced red-eye editing
May Andrew Pavey ran a super tips and tricks session which covered a wide range of topics when Ben Morgan from AppleCentre Bondi suddenly couldn't attend.
June Michael Stoddart from Adobe talked about Creative Suite 3 with Intel versions of Photoshop, InDesign etc.
July Andrew Shipton told us about the latest web developments, all that Web 2.0 stuff you've been hearing about.
August Ben Morgan from Applecentre Bondi Junction told us about Apple's new slim iMacs and iLife/iWork software announced that morning.
September A demo of a Kodak Picture frame and the new "Kate Moss" keyboard, the QT streaming Steve Jobs video presentation on the new ipods etc. and Bruce McKay did a demo of the new iMovie and iPhoto. We also discussed several topics including how to get vinyl records onto your Mac.
October We had a live video chat with Mark Trussell on the Gold Coast to demonstrate the use of Skype, and a presentation from Adam Conner on VOIP including some of the pitfalls.