Club Mac Meetings 2002
March 2002 | Parts of the February meeting were video taped and at the March meeting Graham Whelan gave a demo of the use of Final Cut Pro to turn the raw footage into a quicktime movie. |
April 2002 | At the April meeting Che Baker, from DV Australia, talked about Apple's iDVD and DVD Studio Pro. He also made a generous offer to any members who want to know more about Digital Video to register at his company DV Australia on 0412 780207 and to then participate in the free lessons and tutorials on offer monthly at their Surry Hills headquarters.We also announced the introduction of our new Beginners Corner, and held our usual Question and Answer session. |
May 2002 | Adobe presented a short summary of the new Photoshop v7. |
June 2002 | Symantec showed us their latest range of products and various hardware and software security and maintanence solutions . |
July 2002 | Microsoft presented Office v.X, the first version of the Office suite for OS X and its assorted applications. 10 lucky members received a free demo CD of the full suite. |
August 2002 | Michael Stoddard from Adobe gave a longer presentation showing what Photoshop 7 is really capable of. |
September 2002 | Unfortunately the presenter didn't show up. |
October 2002 | Club Mac AGM including reports and electionswere the first item, thereafter Tony Healy showed us a Photoshop training video. |
November 2002 | Pica Software's new program Think Free - a new and cheap alternative to Microsoft's Office X suite available under OS X, was the featured presentation. |
December 2002 | Paul Young of Fusion Communications talked about Virtual Private Networks. The annual Pizza Night and the conclusion of our end of year fundraising event the Xmas Auction featuring Photoshop 7 and Office X were the highlights of this meeting. |